Steve (Rogue) pulled into JJ's, and his clutch cable broke. He's taking it off, and we'll all do what we can to try and get it repaired. Sunday, New Year's Eve, and no shops in this area, but I'm sure we'll manage somehow.
Tony D. and Teresa showed up at the trailer at 9 PM. We're planning out the rest of the weekend. Steven (Rogue) and his lady also pulled in on his VN200, they rode in from San Diego. It's pretty chilly out right now, 50 degrees, so they went to the Playa Bonita to warm up a little.
There nice fresh shrimp sell for between $5 and $6 a pound down here. I guess you need to be a little careful, some of the scales don't seem to work real well
This is the highest point in Puerto Penasco. I had to use 12x zoom to get this shot. I tried to ride up there on the Helix, but couldn't find the road. May try again tomorrow.